Thursday, 4 December 2008

New Fast Flooring

One of the major advances in the industrial flooring industry over the past 10 years has been the introduction of pumped flowing screeds.

Whereas in the past a man on his hands and knees could lay 30 to 50 square metres of new screed in a day the new method increases this to up to 2,000 metres in a day for a 3 man team. What is more the floor cures much faster, it can be trafficked in 3 hours and can take fork lifts after 8 hours. We are fully equipped to install these new fast flow floors and have completed several major contracts including works in the newspaper industry, nuclear power plants and many other vital industries where time is at a premium.

If you need a dust-free, level, super-smooth surface, then pump applied screeds are the way to go.

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